Attendance Information
Asheville City Board of Education Attendance Policy 4400
- According to this policy, students have 5 school days to turn in notes for excused absences.
What to do if...
My student is absent?
Please respond to the absence notification from ParentSquare. This will be sent to the ParentSquare App or the parent/guardian email on file in PowerSchool. Notes can be attached in your response.
Scroll down under the photos and the form will be in the news section.
My student is tardy with an approved excuse?
Students should report to the SILSA office with the doctor's note; Parents/guardians must respond to the absence or tardy notification in the ParentSquare App.
My student is less than 30 minutes tardy unexcused?
Students should report directly to the front office, sign in and take the late slip to their teacher. The teacher will record the unexcused tardy. If more than 30 minutes tardy (or 1/3 of class-time), students will be counted absent. If they submit a doctor's note, it will be an excused absence.
My student needs to be dismissed early?
Parents/guardians must email with the student's name, the time they need to be dismissed from class (allow transition time for them to sign out in the office), and the reason for the early dismissal. This email should be sent from the parent/guardian email address that is in PowerSchool as verification of parent/guardian identity.
Attendance questions?
Pamela Washington