SILSA Community Agreements
Community Agreements and Student Responsibilities
At SILSA, we are a part of a community where individuals:
- respect others and their ideas and communicate in ways that promote a safe, positive learning environment.
- utilize inquiry to drive the learning process through discussion, exploration, and questioning.
- understand the expectations for being a productive member of our community and hold each other accountable for meeting these expectations.
- strive for excellence by persevering and maintaining personal responsibility in academics and interpersonal relationships.
- identify powerful goals for their learning and development and reflect on their choices and progress toward these goals.
As a student in the SILSA community, I believe that ethical and courteous practices are important to the common good and essential to sound life experiences. I support the following principles as my responsibilities:
- I will respect grading policies and will not be academically dishonest in any way.
- I will assume responsibility for my own actions. I understand that SILSA and AHS rules and regulations are designed for the benefit of all and I will follow them.
- I will demonstrate respect toward faculty, staff, administrators, other students, and any visitors or others who may be in attendance.
- I will demonstrate respect toward the physical and intellectual property of others and of the school and all school facilities.
- I will properly use all technological equipment including laptops, cell phones, science probes, calculators, etc. I will abide by the Asheville City Schools Responsible Use Agreement when using computers and the Internet.
- I will participate and contribute to class discussions and activities to the best of my abilities.
- I will not disrupt class nor intrude on other students’ right to learn in any way.
- I will extend courtesy, integrity, and good citizenship in my dealings with others and I am justified in expecting the same in return.